Indal Thermal Power Plant, Hirakud
Constructed as site in charge the following civil works at INDAL’S67.5MW Thermal Power Plant at HIRAKUD, Sambalpur,Orissa :
A) 130M high RCC CHIMNEY
B) Foundation works for BOILER,ESP, ID&FD Fan, etc. In 1990-91.
Constructed the following civil works-
A) Switch Yard
B) C.W.Pump House&F.O.P.H.
C) Chemical House&Reservoir
D) 2 Nos 35M High ASH SILO
The RCC Stack and ash silos were constructed using slip form technique in 1992-93.
Work done by : B.M Kumar as Project Engineer of Simplex Concrete Piles(I) Ltd.
Duration of the job: 1990-93.